Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Now Available Slim PM and it’s partner in beauty…SlimR Body Toner Cream – Available in October!



A few posts ago I spoke about one of TLC’s newest products called Slim Pm.
This toning Cream has Patented thermogenic ingredients and penetration enhancers which work synergistically to help promote a beautiful, healthy body contour.

To Fight fat accumulation in the stomach, thighs, arms and hip area.  Follow a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and applying SlimR 2x daily.

SlimR Body Toner Cream will be shipping in October.  Pre-order yours now !!

The Benefits of SlimR Thermogenic Complex
Ingredients in SlimR Thermogenic Complex
  • Natural Herb extracts
  • hyaluronic acid
  • Vitamin E
  • Green Tea

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Squat Challenge Motivation Day 11

onfession:  I don’t just post these motivational quotes for others… I use it to motivate myself as well. It’s so easy for us to say… I’ll do it tomorrow.  Then tomorrow turns into the next day .. Then the next day turns into Next week.  So when I saw this quote I knew it was a keeper :-)


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

30 day Squat Challenge!!

Confession: I've always wanted a bigger, more rounded, and toned butt.  I've always been butt obsessed...Why? I am not sure.. lol    But I do know that I am not alone.  There are tons of women who would love to achieve that same look.     As stated earlier, I am looking to tone , firm, and round out my personal seat cushion (lol)    But how shall I go about doing this?   Especially, When we live in a world where many women are trying to get a butt like Kim Kardashian or BeyoncĂ©.  Some  are naturally blessed and the rest of us either have to work out or  opt for surgery.  I personally would prefer to work out to get the results that I want.    Now If a person decides that surgery is the right choice for them, I say go for it, but be safe and make sure the doctor is licensed and do your RESEARCH!!  I've read and seen too many stories on the news where young women are dying by going to a friend's house, hotels or overseas to get "work" done.  A lot of these women take this route due to the pricing of the procedure being a great deal cheaper.    My personal two cents:   If you feel the cost is too much, simply save so that you can go to a licensed professional or hit the gym and work it out!.

In my case, I decided to Work it Out!   In my nightly reading, I  came across the 30 day #SquatChallenge.  I noticed that there were a lot of them out there.  So I wanted to find one where I could gradually increase my reps.  There were some challenges wanting you to start off by doing 100 squats a day.  There is no way I'm starting off  as a beginner  doing 100 a day.  . After a few days of research, I found the perfect one.

  I started on August 1 and would love a few others  to join in with me.  I'll be writing about my progress and at the end provide before and after pics.  We can do it!

